January 29, 2011

What is a Personal Chef?

As I begin the process of establishing my personal chef business, the most common question I get is "What is a personal chef?"  So as I thought you might be wondering the same thing, I wanted my first post to answer that question.
Picture this. You come home after a long day at work, very tired. What's for dinner? Who's going to the store? Do we have to eat out AGAIN? Not if you have a personal chef. I develop customized menus for my customers and provide delicious meals with fresh ingredients in their safety of their own kitchens. I package and leave the meals in their refridgerator or freezer for them to enjoy at their convience. I even clean up. How's this sound: No Shopping...No Cooking...No Cleaning up!
In addition to weekly or biweekly services, I also do dinner parties, cooking lessons and freezer stocking.
My website is in process but you can soon learn more at http://www.tastebudsnc.com/
If you don't know me, the question that may follow is, "Why are you a personal chef?". The answer is simple. I love to cook. I love to share excellent food with others. Being a personl chef allows me to actively spend time with my family while sharing my love of food.

1 comment:

  1. while I have yet to employ Jimmy's services, I can attest to his great chef-ery and absolutely delicious foods. Of course, I have no authority other than as a foodie, but I would highly recommend his expertise to anyone in the market for good food made easy.
